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10 Charities Verbode is Thankful For


10 Charities Verbode is Thankful For

Sarah Bytyqi

Sarah is a Texas born, Oklahoma City-based real estate broker. She is the owner and founder of Verbode...

Sarah is a Texas born, Oklahoma City-based real estate broker. She is the owner and founder of Verbode...

Oct 10 4 minutes read

This Holiday is all about being Thankful, but also about giving. How we give back is very important to us. Being a part of the community is not just about helping the economy, but also by helping thy neighbor. Here are 10 charities you could donate too. Follow the links to get involved:

10. – “We are a partnership of lung cancer survivors, advocates, researchers, healthcare professionals and industry leaders. And we are united in the belief that every person with lung cancer deserves a cure.” They had their 2nd Annual Walk/Run Event and raised over $30,000.

9. Other Options, Inc. – “Provide food,  resources, services, and education to at-risk individuals and families with a focus on those affected by HIV and AIDS.” Starting today you can help with their 16th Annual Food Preparations from 4 to 8pm. This year your help will feed 750 people.

8. Planned Parenthood – “For 75 years, Planned Parenthood of Central Oklahoma has worked to make sure all people have the information and means to decide freely and responsibly whether and when to have children.”

7. Humane Society – “Close partnership with the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare Division (OKC Animal Shelter) and our primary focus is to eliminate the needless euthanasia of healthy, adoptable animals in Oklahoma City.” We also love Bella Foundation and Chihuahua Rescue and Transport.


6. NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness – “We are an association of hundreds of local affiliates, state organizations and volunteers who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need.”

5. St. Vincent de Paul Advocates for the Poor – “The role of the Vincentian is to provide loving and compassionate interest in individuals.  If that interest calls for food, clothing or other assistance, so be it.”

4. Six Twelve in the Paseo – “Provides opportunities for people both young and old to learn skills in the arts, music, cooking, gardening and sustainable local living. The space sports a cooperative garden, a soon-to-be commercial kitchen, a gallery, an outdoor performance stage, and four flexible classrooms.  SixTwelve seeks to bring many disciplines under one roof where community can flourish.”


3. Down’s Syndrome Association – “Programs centered around education, life skills, as well social interaction. Most of all, our volunteers allow people with Down syndrome to share their amazing gifts with the community.”

2. Made Possible by Us – “We focus on sustainable solutions for social good voted on by you, activated with brand partners and made possible by all of us.” Their current project is a Food Truck for All. The #foodforAllOK food truck is about community collaboration. When 1 in 6 people in your community struggle with hunger, you band together to help. This project is now fully funded, but there will be more to come.


1. Homeless Alliance – “Seeks to rally our community to find better ways to help our homeless and make the system more efficient, more rational, and more caring.” Verbode has the privilege of helping people buy and sell homes everyday, but we also love helping those who struggle to keep a home. Homeless Alliance is doing many great deeds in our city and there so many possibilities we can help them with.


We are also thankful for you!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving from everyone at Verbode!

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