10 OKC District Developments Verbode is excited about.
Every morning Verbode searches the news and forums for the newest development in the urban core of OKC. Our clients are no longer just interested in the home they are going to buy or sell, they also request information about the surrounding community. In OKC we are experiencing a renaissance in multiple areas, especially in the growth of our districts. From the booming Plaza District to the newly busy Film Row, we listed ten developments we happen to be excited about.
10. 1804 NW 16th by Developer Jeff Struble – Struble has helped make the Plaza District a great place for local business. Adding this structure will only open up more opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
9. 603 NW 23rd by Owner Bruce Fraley – “We’re assembling a list of restaurant and entertainment uses.” – Chad Elmore, leasing agent. This building has so much potential for retail and dining. We love seeing the growth on Uptown 23rd.
8. 629 W. Main, Main St. Arcade by Developer David Wanzer – Wanzer has been making moves all around town and he seems to hit a homerun every time. It is amazing when a building survives the changes of its city and it finally sees an awakening. Film Row will have a whole new section for locals to enjoy!
7. 500 E. Sheridan, Criterion Concert Hall – Downtown OKC has always needed a concert hall that was between a club venue and Chesapeake Arena. After completed, Criterion has already booked entertainment that would otherwise pass OKC up for Tulsa. This makes Bricktown a go to for Concerts.
6. 916 NW 6th by David Wanzer – Another great development by Wanzer, it looks to be the start of an explosion near the Midtown/SOSA District. Classen is slowly gaining interest by many developers. In a few years, it will no longer just be a road to downtown, it will be a destination.
5. Barrios Fine Mexican Dishes by Good Egg Dining – It is always sad to see a great business decide to call it quits. Swanson’s Tire was loved by many, but it seems it is going to be replaced by a new love. Good Egg is going to show us how they do Mexican Food and we can’t wait!
4. Goro Ramen + Izakaya – With names like Rachel Cope and Jeff Chanchaleune, you know this will be amazing. It will include a courtyard to connect with The Mule, this will be a place everyone will want to experience in the Plaza District.
3. Wheeler District by the Humphreys – Probably the most ambitious and largest developments OKC has seen in a long time. Everything you could ask for including a Ferris wheel. On the banks of the Oklahoma River, it will have some of the best views of the downtown skyline.
2. 21c Museum Hotel, Fred Jones Building – Everything about this development is what Verbode loves. Art, historic building and a place for our out of town friends to stay when they travel to our big league city. We all want an excuse to spend time at his upcoming Museum/Hotel.
1. 425 NW 23rd, Tower Theater by David Wanzer, Ben Sellers and Jonathan Dodson – With the recent tour and relighting of the iconic sign, Tower Theater let everyone know it is back and will be better than ever. The property combines a ground-floor concert and film venue with an upstairs bar and office space concept. Uptown 23rd has once again become a business and entertainment district for everyone.
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