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Top Ten Ways to Get a Garden Ready for Spring


Top Ten Ways to Get a Garden Ready for Spring

Sarah Bytyqi

Sarah is a Texas born, Oklahoma City-based real estate broker. She is the owner and founder of Verbode...

Sarah is a Texas born, Oklahoma City-based real estate broker. She is the owner and founder of Verbode...

Oct 28 4 minutes read

Every year it seems Spring creeps up on us and we are not prepared to start our gardens. Not this year! With the current weather giving us sunshine and warm temps, it would be the perfect time to ready your garden for Spring. Here are Ten ways to do just that.

In March the Myriad Gardens will put on a Gardening School at the Devon Energy Auditorium. This is always a great refresher course for those who love their gardens.


10. Clean Up Garden Area

There will likely be a lot of dead leaves or plans and whatever else the Oklahoma winds blew into your garden. The earlier you are able to clear debris, the more likely your bulbs and plants will start popping up again. This allows you to see them and will keep you from stepping all over their early progress.

9. Prepare Garden Tools

Gather all your garden tools together and start cleaning them off. This may take a little time for extra scrubbing. You want them to have a clean surface. Any old dirt or rust needs to be cleaned away.

8. Set Up Composting Area

After setting it up you need to start adding your lawn clippings, coffee grounds and fruit/vegetable peels. A good compost soil will help the garden be more absorbent and need less water.

7. Plan Out What You Want To Grow

It is best to know where you are putting each plant. The location of the plant can make or break their growth rate. Plenty of sun for the ones who love a sunny day. A little shade for those who don’t.

6. Order Seeds

After you know what it is you want to plant and where you will plant them in your garden, start ordering those seeds.

5. Prepare Soil

You will need to break up the hard resting soil. Take a rake and start to level off the soil. When the soil is loose and has plenty of room, it helps water and nutrients penetrate to the seeds.

4. Prune Shrubs And Trees

If there are any trees or shrubs in the garden area, prune them back if they will keep the new plants from growing properly. This is also a good time to look for weeds on the edges of your garden. You will want to remove them so they do not bother your new plants.

3. Make A Schedule For When To Harvest Each Type Of Plant

Before the perfect warm day, you will want to plan out your harvest. Find out best conditions for each plant and schedule those dates in order to get the best growth. Not all seeds need to be planted at the same time.

2. In Small Containers, Start Growing Seeds

Some seeds need a longer period of time to grow, others will spring up fast. For those that need to start early, set up an indoor planting area near a good window with plenty of light. Use some soil in a small container and plant your seeds. When the time comes, you can easily relocate them outdoors in the garden.

1. Now Relax And Wait For Spring

Your work is done, well at least until the warmth of Spring finally arrives. With our current weather pattern that may show up sooner than later. Watch those weather patterns closely and keep a calendar of important times of the year for harvest. Now go make some tea and relax.

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